favour sulaiman

May 22, 2020

Home Run Training - Friday 22nd May

Check out all of today's programming

Morning Mobility



Butterfly - 3 Mins

Lizard - 2 Mins ES

Standing Straddle - 3 Mins

Single Leg Seated Foward Fold - 3 Mins ES

Sumo Squat - 2 Mins

Seated Foward Fold - 4 Mins

Seated Straddle - 5 Mins

Rebound - 3-5 Mins

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Home Run Training

Support the pit Workout 1 & 2!

Support the Pit Workout 1

In a 2m30sec Window perform...

20 Alt Leg Front Lunges


20 Alt Leg Back Lunges


As many Squats as possible in remaining time FOR SCORE.

Rest 30 Seconds and Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. (8mins 30 Secs total)


The Squats are your SCORE, the rest is just buy in!

If you squat with weight, adjustments are made.....

Air Squats equal 1 rep.

Goblet Squats

2kg to 5kg. 5% increase Male. 10% Female

6kg to 10kg 10% male. 15% Female

11kg to 15kg 15% male. 20% Female

16kg to 20kg 20% male. 25% Female

21kg to 25kg 25% male. 30% Female.

Eg if a female athlete completes a total of 90 reps with an 17.5kg weight (DB or KB)

90 x 1.25= 112.5 reps (a 25% adjustment)

Scaled Athletes can perform push up on knees but must add 5 reps (20 reps total)

Masters Scaled (50+) and Injured athletes may perform supported Lunges and raised press ups with no additional reps required, or any combination of the movements.

Support the Pit Workout 2.

100 Double Unders

2 Wall Walkers

80 Double Unders

4 Wall Walkers

60 Double Unders

6 Wall Walkers

40 Double Unders

8 Wall Walkers

20 Double Unders

10 Wall Walkers

(330 reps total)

10 min Time Cap.

Your TIME is your SCORE.

Any missed reps will be added as seconds to the time cap...i.e if 300/330 reps were completed the score is 10mins 30secs (30 missed reps)

Scaled Athletes

100 Single Unders or Jumping Jacks

2 Walkouts with Touch Overhead

80 Single Unders or Jumping Jacks

4 Walkouts with Touch Overhead

60 Single Unders or Jumping Jacks

6 Walkouts with touch Overhead

40 Single Unders or Jumping Jacks

8 Walkouts with touch Overhead

20 Single Unders or Jumping Jacks

10 Walkouts with touch Overhead

Purely for the leaderboard Scaled athletes will add 5 mins to the score. Eg all reps completed in 7mins 15secs would result in a score of 12min 15secs after adjustments.

Scaled Masters (50+) and injured Athletes can perform "Penguin Taps" if they choose, the same time adjustments will apply.

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Core Crusher

15 Min AMRAP


Russian Twist
Straight Leg Sit Ups

Hollow Rocks

5 Rounds
30 Sec work /15 Sec rest
Oblique Crunches Right side

Oblique Crunches Left side


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DB/KB Workout

Tabata x 2

Bird Dog

Handstand Hold/Plank

30 Min EMOM

Min 1 - OH Front Lunges - 14 (7ES)

Min 2 - DB Snatches/ KB Swing - 16 (8ES)

Min 3 - Shoulder Press - 18 (9EA)

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